event date 25th March, 2015

“Building Relationships, Fostering Hope & Success”

Selflessly yours is pleased to introduce a unique Child Mentorship Program (CMP) namely” BUDDY BUILDING” for development of both mentors and the mentees.
On one hand, it is designed for marginalised, deprived and underprivileged children (MDU Children) for evolving and nurturing their skills of articulate and eloquent communication and conversation. On the other hand it provides an opportunity to the high school students to embrace socially responsible humanitarian role. Under CMP each MDU child will be assigned a mentor for a period of 3 months, who shall be a high school student prepared to bring about a significant change in the personality of one such child.

Through direct interaction, orientation and virtual medium, the Child Mentor Program seeks to accomplish the following:

o Develop a mentor-mentee relationship 
o Provide an open environment for the MDU children to share their thoughts, ideas and views. 
o Enable the Mentors to gain insight into the societal and community issues relating to the children of the same age group and thereby assuming a role of catalyst for socio economic change.
o Enhance all participants written and oral communication skills

Schedule: The program is designed to have, at a minimum, four exchanges a month between mentor and mentee. Two exchanges will be conducted via phone conversation. The program is designed to be flexible in order to enable the student mentors and mentees to complete the four exchanges according to their personal schedules. However, weekly communication between the student participant and the mentee is appreciated.

Informal set guidelines will be shared with the mentor with regard to smooth progression of CMP. The guidelines will include amongst others the topics and items to be discussed in the course of interaction with mentees. .

Those interested in assuming the role of mentor and becoming catalyst of change, please write to info@selflesslyyours.org



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